John W Adams
Rank: Musician Co: B Age: 27 Residence: South Berwick Birthplace: South Berwick Occupation: merchant
Married; Height: 5' 8.5 Eyes: Bl Hair: Br Complexion: Lt

JOHN WESLEY ADAMS was born on 24 Feb 1834 in South Berwick, the son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Tobey) Adams [Gen History of Henry Adams, pg 442-3]. He died in South Berwick on 10 Oct 1917 [ME VR] and is buried in the Portland Street Cemetery in S.Berwick [YCCI pg 2054].
John married on 28 Sept 1856 [intents 24 Sept] in South Berwick to HARRIET (HATTIE) N GOULD, the daughter of David and Susannah (Beals) Gould. She was born 2 Mar 1835 (based on age at death) in Stratham, NH and died on 21 Sept 1902 in So. Berwick, aged 67 yrs, 6 mos, 19 das [ME VR]. She is buried with husband.
In early census records, John W worked as a merchant and a clerk in a grocery store. When he was an elder, he worked as the janitor in the local church.
For more on the ancestry of John Wesley, please see: "A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree, MA and His Descendants 1632-1897" by Andrew N Adams c1898 Tuttle Printers. Pedigree given as such: John Wesley (Nathaniel, John, Dr Joseph, Rev Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Henry).
Two children were born to this couple:
i. FREDERICK F ADAMS was born Jan, 1858 [1900 census] and died in 1931 [grave]. He married on 31 Oct, 1881 in South Berwick to MARY R COLE, also of S.Berw. [VR of Berw, S.Ber, N.Ber, pg 474]. She was born in NH, July, 1858 [1900 census] and died in 1927 [YCCI, pg 2054]. Fred worked as a fitter in the shoe factory. They had no children.
ii. JOHN DENNETT ADAMS was born Oct, 1867 [1900 census]. He later moved to Newburyport, MA and married in 1892 [v.424,p.466] to ALICE MAUD BLAISDELL, the daughter of Daniel Wells Blaisdell and Alice Florence Noyes. She was born in Newburyport in Nov, 1872 [1900 census, MA vr v.241,p.299]. He was a sign painter through the 1920 census in Newburyport (1930 has him as a theatre attendant). This couple did not have any children.
Additional source Data:
Civil War Pension Index: Card on file at Fold 3 for cert #949,432 confirms "10 Oct 1917" death date for John W. Adams of 27th ME
1850 South Berwick census: John w/parents at h.h. 236/250 [Gould family at 185/303]
1860 S.Berw census: h.h. 58/66
1870 S.Berw (pg 30): hh 241/248
1880 S.Berw (pg 10): hh 94/113
1880 Newburyport wrd-1 Alice M w/ Daniel and Alice F, age 7
1890 Vet Sch: lived at S.Berw
1900 S.Berw: hh 20/21, owned home
1900 Newburyport wrd-3: John and Maud (Alice) at 18 Dalton
1910 S.Berw: Main St, owned home hh 156/179: Fred and Mary living w/ John W
1910 Newburyport wrd-3: John D and Alice still renting at 18 Dalton St
1920 Newb. John and Maud owning home at 47 Pond St [also here in 1930]
John married on 28 Sept 1856 [intents 24 Sept] in South Berwick to HARRIET (HATTIE) N GOULD, the daughter of David and Susannah (Beals) Gould. She was born 2 Mar 1835 (based on age at death) in Stratham, NH and died on 21 Sept 1902 in So. Berwick, aged 67 yrs, 6 mos, 19 das [ME VR]. She is buried with husband.
In early census records, John W worked as a merchant and a clerk in a grocery store. When he was an elder, he worked as the janitor in the local church.
For more on the ancestry of John Wesley, please see: "A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree, MA and His Descendants 1632-1897" by Andrew N Adams c1898 Tuttle Printers. Pedigree given as such: John Wesley (Nathaniel, John, Dr Joseph, Rev Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Henry).
Two children were born to this couple:
i. FREDERICK F ADAMS was born Jan, 1858 [1900 census] and died in 1931 [grave]. He married on 31 Oct, 1881 in South Berwick to MARY R COLE, also of S.Berw. [VR of Berw, S.Ber, N.Ber, pg 474]. She was born in NH, July, 1858 [1900 census] and died in 1927 [YCCI, pg 2054]. Fred worked as a fitter in the shoe factory. They had no children.
ii. JOHN DENNETT ADAMS was born Oct, 1867 [1900 census]. He later moved to Newburyport, MA and married in 1892 [v.424,p.466] to ALICE MAUD BLAISDELL, the daughter of Daniel Wells Blaisdell and Alice Florence Noyes. She was born in Newburyport in Nov, 1872 [1900 census, MA vr v.241,p.299]. He was a sign painter through the 1920 census in Newburyport (1930 has him as a theatre attendant). This couple did not have any children.
Additional source Data:
Civil War Pension Index: Card on file at Fold 3 for cert #949,432 confirms "10 Oct 1917" death date for John W. Adams of 27th ME
1850 South Berwick census: John w/parents at h.h. 236/250 [Gould family at 185/303]
1860 S.Berw census: h.h. 58/66
1870 S.Berw (pg 30): hh 241/248
1880 S.Berw (pg 10): hh 94/113
1880 Newburyport wrd-1 Alice M w/ Daniel and Alice F, age 7
1890 Vet Sch: lived at S.Berw
1900 S.Berw: hh 20/21, owned home
1900 Newburyport wrd-3: John and Maud (Alice) at 18 Dalton
1910 S.Berw: Main St, owned home hh 156/179: Fred and Mary living w/ John W
1910 Newburyport wrd-3: John D and Alice still renting at 18 Dalton St
1920 Newb. John and Maud owning home at 47 Pond St [also here in 1930]