Ezra H Hardison
Rank: Pvt Co: D Age: 31 Residence: Berwick Birthplace: Winslow, ME Occupation: farmer Married/Single: M Height: 5' 7 Eyes: Hz Hair: Blk Complexion: Dk

Gravestone not yet located
EZRA H HARDISON was born in Winslow, Maine [Descriptive Rolls] about 1831 [age 19 in 1850, age 30 in 1860, 31 at enlistment], perhaps the son of Nathaniel Hardison and Judith Jones, next to whom he lived in 1850 South Berwick. He died in Dover, NH on 8 Dec 1864, aged 33 or 34 [Portsmouth Jrnl, 12/24/64; NH Patriot & State Gazette, 12/21/64], having fallen 20 feet from a catwalk at the mill and fracturing his skull. His burial place is unknown.
He married, about 31 Mar 1860 in Biddeford [Bidd. VR], to MARY E (RICKER) CLARK, the daughter of Issac and Ruth (Stackpole) Ricker [Ricker Gen, p373-4] . She had first married in Dover, 25 Nov 1847, to Levi D Clark. She is likely the Mary E living at a boarding house in 1867 Dover, NH, and perhaps the Elizabeth Hardison, age 42, living in the city during 1870 census. She died 17 Oct 1876, in Dover, NH [Portsmouth Journal, 11/04/1876]. Her burial location is not known.
In 1850 South Berwick, Ezra was an apprentice, living in household of Abraham Gilpatrick, a neighbor to Nathaniel Hardison (perhaps the father of Ezra). He was a laborer in 1860, living in Biddeford, Maine. Following his service, he moved to Dover, NH, and was working as a watchman for Cocheco Mills Co.[1865 Dir].
There is no record of him or his widow filing for a pension.
Additional source data:
1850 South Berwick, ME census: hh 275/315; at 276/315 is Nathaniel Hardison, age 59, with a Judith and younger aged Hardisons, possibly their children
1860 Biddeford census (pg 136): hh 756/860
1870 Dover, NH (pg 19): an Elizabeth, age 42, working at cotton mill. b.ME
He married, about 31 Mar 1860 in Biddeford [Bidd. VR], to MARY E (RICKER) CLARK, the daughter of Issac and Ruth (Stackpole) Ricker [Ricker Gen, p373-4] . She had first married in Dover, 25 Nov 1847, to Levi D Clark. She is likely the Mary E living at a boarding house in 1867 Dover, NH, and perhaps the Elizabeth Hardison, age 42, living in the city during 1870 census. She died 17 Oct 1876, in Dover, NH [Portsmouth Journal, 11/04/1876]. Her burial location is not known.
In 1850 South Berwick, Ezra was an apprentice, living in household of Abraham Gilpatrick, a neighbor to Nathaniel Hardison (perhaps the father of Ezra). He was a laborer in 1860, living in Biddeford, Maine. Following his service, he moved to Dover, NH, and was working as a watchman for Cocheco Mills Co.[1865 Dir].
There is no record of him or his widow filing for a pension.
Additional source data:
1850 South Berwick, ME census: hh 275/315; at 276/315 is Nathaniel Hardison, age 59, with a Judith and younger aged Hardisons, possibly their children
1860 Biddeford census (pg 136): hh 756/860
1870 Dover, NH (pg 19): an Elizabeth, age 42, working at cotton mill. b.ME