Adam McCulloch Jr
Rank: Pvt Co: I Age: 32 Residence: Kennebunk Birthplace: Kennebunk Occupation: seaman Married/Single: S Height: 5' 10 Eyes: Hz Hair: Br Complexion: Dk

Grave not located or photographed
ADAM McCULLOCH JR was the son of Adam and Hannah (Chase) McCulloch, born around 1830 [age 32 in 1862] and baptised in Kennebunk, ME on 6 July 1834 [VR of K-Bunk]. He died on 31 Dec 1864 at age 34 in Pensacola (or Barrancas), Florida from diarrhea, while serving in the Navy [VR of Kennebunkport]. Burial location unknown, perhaps in south as not listed with parents in Evergreen Cem, Kennebunk.
Adam was a mariner, living in Kennebunk with his parents in 1850+1860 censuses. After Adam finished his 9 months with the 27th, he reenlisted on 1 Dec 1863 for 3 years, mustered in as a corporal into Company L, 2nd Maine Cavalry on 24 Dec 1863. He returned to being a private on 8 Feb 1864, and was transferred on 1 Aug 1864 (or 30 June '64) into the navy to complete his term of service (seen with surname spelled "McCullock"). He served on the sloop of war USS Lackawanna, and was rated quarter-master. While on board the vessel, he went on to receive a Medal of Honor for his actions.
From the book Medal of Honor Recipients 1863-1978 (pg 159):
On board the USS Lackawanna during successful attacks against Fort Morgan, rebel gunboats and the ran Tennessee in Mobile Bay, on 5 August 1864. Wounded* when an enemy shell struck, and ordered to go below, McCullock refused to leave his station and continued to perform his duties throughout the prolonged action which resulted in the capture of the prize ram Tennessee and in the damaging and destruction of Fort Morgan.
* he received slight wood splinter wound in leg
The Sept 1987 article "Hugh McCulloch, His Early Years in New England and Migration to Fort Wayne", in the Old Fort News Newsletter (Vol 50:2) from the Ft Wayne, IN Historical Society says that Adam Jr was born 11 Apr 1830 and died 31 Dec 1864, and was buried in Atlanta, GA. I have not read full article, so have not viewed sources for these dates and burial place.
Additional Source Data:
1850 Kennebunk census: hh 148/161: Adam, age 19, a mariner, with parents
1860 K-Bunk (pg 43): hh 367/349 - Adam's age seen as 23, a mariner
Adam was a mariner, living in Kennebunk with his parents in 1850+1860 censuses. After Adam finished his 9 months with the 27th, he reenlisted on 1 Dec 1863 for 3 years, mustered in as a corporal into Company L, 2nd Maine Cavalry on 24 Dec 1863. He returned to being a private on 8 Feb 1864, and was transferred on 1 Aug 1864 (or 30 June '64) into the navy to complete his term of service (seen with surname spelled "McCullock"). He served on the sloop of war USS Lackawanna, and was rated quarter-master. While on board the vessel, he went on to receive a Medal of Honor for his actions.
From the book Medal of Honor Recipients 1863-1978 (pg 159):
On board the USS Lackawanna during successful attacks against Fort Morgan, rebel gunboats and the ran Tennessee in Mobile Bay, on 5 August 1864. Wounded* when an enemy shell struck, and ordered to go below, McCullock refused to leave his station and continued to perform his duties throughout the prolonged action which resulted in the capture of the prize ram Tennessee and in the damaging and destruction of Fort Morgan.
* he received slight wood splinter wound in leg
The Sept 1987 article "Hugh McCulloch, His Early Years in New England and Migration to Fort Wayne", in the Old Fort News Newsletter (Vol 50:2) from the Ft Wayne, IN Historical Society says that Adam Jr was born 11 Apr 1830 and died 31 Dec 1864, and was buried in Atlanta, GA. I have not read full article, so have not viewed sources for these dates and burial place.
Additional Source Data:
1850 Kennebunk census: hh 148/161: Adam, age 19, a mariner, with parents
1860 K-Bunk (pg 43): hh 367/349 - Adam's age seen as 23, a mariner