Roscoe G Shapleigh
Rank: Pvt Co: G Age: 20 Residence: Eliot Birthplace: Eliot Occupation: clerk Married/Single: S Height: 5' 5 Eyes: Bl Hair: Br Complexion: Lt
ROSCOE G SHAPLEIGH was the son of Levi Jenness and Mary Ann (Lovewell) Shapleigh, born ca 1842 in Eliot, Maine [Descriptive Roll]. He died 31 Dec 1880, perhaps in Macon, GA [Old Kittery, p725; NEHGR v95 p330]. His burial place is unknown, perhaps located in his Georgian residence.
Roscoe is seen just prior to the war in Boston, MA, working as a clerk [1861 Street Dir, p397]. He was a resident of East Boston during 1868, still occupied as a clerk [Boston St Dir, p525]. During the 1870 census, he was living with his brother Jeremiah in Eliot. By the 1880 census, he had removed to Bibb County, Georgia. His brother Levi had also moved there, himself also previously living in Boston.
Though a certificate of marriage intent was filed in the record books of the town of Eliot on 1 Dec 1863, to a Miss Annette C Dixon of Eliot, they never married according to a note written in same source [Eliot VR cd p158/862]. He was listed as single in 1880 census.
In Alexander Shapleigh and Some of His Descendants [NEHGR v95 p330 Oct 1941] and Old Kittery (pg 716), the ancestry of Roscoe is listed as:
Roscoe (Levi J, Samuel, Alexander, Maj Nicholas, John, Alexander, Alexander)
Additional Source Data:
1870 Eliot, York, ME census
1880 Dist 1085, Bibb, Georgia: Roscoe, age 39
Roscoe is seen just prior to the war in Boston, MA, working as a clerk [1861 Street Dir, p397]. He was a resident of East Boston during 1868, still occupied as a clerk [Boston St Dir, p525]. During the 1870 census, he was living with his brother Jeremiah in Eliot. By the 1880 census, he had removed to Bibb County, Georgia. His brother Levi had also moved there, himself also previously living in Boston.
Though a certificate of marriage intent was filed in the record books of the town of Eliot on 1 Dec 1863, to a Miss Annette C Dixon of Eliot, they never married according to a note written in same source [Eliot VR cd p158/862]. He was listed as single in 1880 census.
In Alexander Shapleigh and Some of His Descendants [NEHGR v95 p330 Oct 1941] and Old Kittery (pg 716), the ancestry of Roscoe is listed as:
Roscoe (Levi J, Samuel, Alexander, Maj Nicholas, John, Alexander, Alexander)
Additional Source Data:
1870 Eliot, York, ME census
1880 Dist 1085, Bibb, Georgia: Roscoe, age 39