Monday Camp near Chantilly Mar 30 1863 My Dear Wife with pleasure I improve this oppertunity to inform you that I am well and hope you enjoy the same blessing we left Camp Gen,l Casey yesterday morning at half past nine and arived hear about five oclock PM distance about 20 miles it was A good road after we got to it but it was A round about way to get to it we had A good day to march in there was quite A strong wind in our faces but it was not cold neather was it verry warm it is about west coars from alexandria as near as I could tell by the sun we came through the village called Fairfax court house and right by the selebrated building the coart House the village I should think was some sutch A village as Alfred only not so large and looked like |
all other places I have scene this side of Baltimore I should think by the looks they were built soon after the time that Pockehontas saved the life of smith the coart house was in good keeping with its surroundings it is A two story brick building in the center of the place with A cubala on it looks some like the one on the engine house if I had not ben told what it was I should thought it had ben some old delapitated stable after leaving there we see nothing worthy of note till we arrived at chantilly why it was called chantilly I did not kno for there is no signs of human beings except one old pile of rubbish where there formerly was A house but I have sence learned that there was once A man lived hear or there by the name of chantilly we are situated on A small hill right in the woods whitch is what we call Norway pine we and the 25th We are all together Col Fesenden acting Brigader General there is any quantity of cavalry about |
hear they keep up A picket line out side of ours we are squat down hear to prevent gurillas raids so it is said but I do not think there is many gurillas or any thing else in this vicinity when ever we move to A new place reminds me of when we got our engine we had A fire every night but it soon became an old story I understand we are about eight miles from centerville where Casey is with the rest of his force wheather we shall advance or go back to Washington I do not kno there is A good many stories going hear that we shall go back to washington soon you will be likely to hear A good many stories about things hear and A good many that is not true for every one has A story of his own to tell and I expect to write but do not you believe half of them for I do not think there is any more danger hear than there was at camp Gen.l Casey and when I think there is I will write for I calculate |
to write tings as they be as near as I kno and I have just as good chance as any body does we are in syblie tents now but are rather crowded and some of us are going to fix up our small tents for I like plenty of room you kno I want considerable to find my things in you used to say that I was A real good hand to hunt for any thing and I am as good as ever I was and with about the same sucsess and about all the rest of the boys is as good as I and let 20 go in one syblie there is plenty of hunting I have not got any thing new to write to day that I kno of I have writen since I received your letter I feel in hope I shall receive another tomorrow I believe the oficers have arainged it so that we shall get A mail every day after we get regulated by the 25 mail carrier going for both regiments one day and back the next and our doing the same but prehaps they ma not come so regular for stormy weather would impead them some and now as the old saying is betwene you and I hopeing soon to see you I close always believe me to be your tru loveing devoted husband C W Gooch |