One of these Camps, instituted in Kittery on the evening of Thurs., 5 March 1903, with 21 charter members [Ports. Herald, 6 Mar 1903, pg 8], was named for the late colonel of the 27th Maine, Mark F. Wentworth. It was originally given the Camp number #20, though in later years (prior to 1919, perhaps by a charter surrender and reorganization) it had been renumbered to #105. It was active through 1932.
Manning Lawry, son of Franklin E, 27th Maine
E.M. (Everett M) Moore, son of Moses D, Co. D, 1st Maine Cavalry
Leonard McCloud, son of James A, whose step-father since birth was George W. Remick, 32nd Maine
A. H. (Albert Henry) Cruse, son of William H., 32nd Mass Inf
J. L. (Jesse Lincoln) Philbrick, s/o Charles L and Emily (Jordan), her father Robert having served in the 24th Mass Inf
M. L. (Maurice L) Duncan, s/o Edwin A, 17th Maine
E. F. (Eugene F) Hayes, s/o Alfred C, gr-son of George H, 27th Maine
Clarence Chick, s/o Sylvester, 27th Maine
E. W. (Edward W) Hunting, s/o Israel, 44th Mass Inf
Horace H. Burbank Camp, No. 20, Saco (Qrmtr Sgt)
Lt. William H. Miller Camp, No. 44, Sanford (Lt, Co. E)
Seth E. Bryant Camp, No. 59, Kennebunk (Capt, Co. I)
Maj. John D. Hill Camp, No. 75, Bar Mills (Buxton)
Capt. Frank A. Hutchins Camp, No. 89, Waldoboro (of Kennebunkport, Co. K)
For those living in Maine, please check out the Maine SUVCW. For those in New Hampshire, please visit the website for more information. The National organization's website,, includes a listing of all other Departments throughout the United States.